The material cultures and the sensory side of the project
Rivista: Atti e Rassegna Tecnica – Volume 76 – pg.148-154- ISSN 0004-7287 2022 Autori: Beatrice Lerma, Doriana Dal Palu', Claudia De Giorgi, Noemi Emidi Today, the field of the culture of materials for design is a variegated and multi-form discipline: this context, in...
The Material side of Design. The Future Material Design Cultures
Allemandi Editore - ISBN 9788842225256 2020 Autori: Claudia De Giorgi, Beatrice Lerma, Doriana Dal Palù Ten years of research in the world of materials for design The culture of materials for design and the new trends in which it plays a leading role today are...
Nurturing Competence on Innovative Materials through New Media: The Case Study of Public Engagement of MATto, The Material Library of Politecnico di Torino
Proceeding: Proceedings of Learn X Design 2019: Insider Knowledge, 9 - 12 July, Ankarra, Turkey, METU Department of Industrial Design, Ankara, Turkey, 9-12 July 2019, pp. 555-564 2019 Autori: Doriana Dal Palù, Valentina Coraglia, Beatrice Lerma, Claudia De Giorgi ...
Natura 4.0. Avanguardie “bio-ispirate” per il design del futuro
Understanding, employing, emulating the nature, source of resources and design methods. The nature provides new solutions to allow humankind to look further and to interact with the entire ecosystem in sustainable and innovative ways.
Could Black Be the New Gold? Design-Driven Challenges in New Sustainable Luxury Materials for Jewelry
This article deals with a case study within the European EcoDesign Network research project, aimed at investigating how sustainable design can help prestigious companies pinpoint new materials for the creation of jewelry, focusing on new and environmentally friendly opportunities…
Le sfide dell’aria in piccola scala
The air, defined as a combination of oxygen, nitrogen, and small quantities of other gases that surround our Planet and form its atmosphere, can also be considered as one of the main materials used in various sectors, from packaging to sport, from automotive to safety.